Our RED LIPCOLOR is more than just makeup: its a symbol of strength, resilience , and courage to chase your dreams. Its a reminder to women everywhere to embrace their true selves, to be unapologetically confident, and to celebrate their individuality



How did Anna Pajardo come up with the idea of using shades of red lipstick to empower women?

Anna Pajardo came up with the idea of using a single red lipcolor to empower women based on her personal experience and observation of other women. She noticed that every time she wore a bold red lip, she felt more confident, powerful, and in control. She was inspired to create the lipcolor after noticing how a simple cosmetic item could have a profound impact on a womans self-esteem  She says this is not just a cosmetic product, but a symbol of strength and empowerment for women.

Anna Pajardo  observed that many women struggle with self-confidence and often feel like they don't have the power to achieve their goals. She wanted to create something that would inspire and uplift women, something that would remind them of their own inner strength and their ability to overcome any obstacle.

Thus, Anna Pajardo decided to create a line of shades of red lipcolor that would represent the qualities of strength, power, and confidence that women possess. She wanted to create a product that would not only make women feel beautiful but also empower them to be their best selves and to achieve their dreams.

 Anna Pajardo's idea of using shades of red lipcolor to empower women has resonated with many women around the world, and her movement has become a symbol of strength, power, and confidence for women everywhere.

